Apricot Lane Bozeman brings you the hottest fashion to your hometown. West Coast style meets the latest trends. Visit us at www.apricotlanebozeman.com or tweet us at @ApricotLaneBoze
Apricot Lane Bozeman is redefining the word DIVA ~ self-empowered, loving, savvy, dedicated, charitable, and very smart. In our company, we value the Diva status of all women and wish to emulate this new definition of Diva in a fun, passionate way!
Montana's Personal Buyer, "Miss Ellie" brings a vision to reach three generations of women in one store! At AL Bozeman, we bring West Coast style to the beautiful mountain country of Montana. Rather than drive hours to shop in another state, you can visit Apricot Lane in Bozeman to find the latest fashion trends and beautiful accessories right in our own hometown.
Apricot Lane Bozeman is a local family who is committed to Fun, Fashion, Friends... AND we are Charity Passionate! At AL Bozeman we commit ourselves to launching local artists, national brands as well as international brands. We are determined to keep the Divas of Greater Bozeman in top quality fashion at an affordable price. We also endeavor to contract with local vendors and will GIVE BACK until it really hurts!
At Apricot Lane, you’ll find exceptional customer service from our Diva consultants, who are here to help you find the right color, size, and style. It is the mission of Apricot Lane Bozeman to offer each customer an experience that will be long remembered. If you can’t find something you’re looking for, please ask. We may be able to special order it for you.
Be sure to check out our Facebook page for an ongoing list of ongoing charity events/sponsorships throughout Greater Bozeman AND a more detailed look at our amazing brands!
Apricot Lane Bozeman has a strong vision to support the fractured women of our community, and is collaborating directly with Teen Challenge Montana, to lend support in volunteerism and financial commitment. Teen Challenge Montana Women's Outreach Residential Center is a 20-bed facility for women located in Montana, who desire to get free from life controlling problems such as drugs, alcohol and other destructive behaviors. Montana Outreach is not funded by any state, federal or local tax dollars.
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